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Saturday, January 24, 2015

La Vicaría Arch Bridge (Yeste, Albacete, Spain) by FranciscoGarciaRios

Música (abrir en nueva pestaña) / Music (Open link in new tab): Clannad -- Journey's End. La Vicaria Bridge, opened on August 2007, is a through arch bridge that spans the Segura River, where it meets La Fuensanta Reservoir in "La Vicaría" zone near Yeste, in the province of Albacete, Spain. It forms part of the road that joins Yeste with Letur and the neighbouring area to the east. -Español: El puente de La Vicaria, inaugurado en Agosto del 2007, es un puente arco de tablero intermedio situado sobre el río Segura, en el punto donde se une con el embalse de La Fuensanta, en la zona de lLa Vicaría, cerca de Yeste, en la provincia de Albacete. Forma parte de la carretera que une Yeste con Letur. © Francisco Garcia Rios 2015 - All Rights Reserved The content of these images cannot be copied,distributed or published for any media, electronic or otherwise. The utilization in other web pages without the express written consent of the author is PROHIBITED. To enquire about prints, licensing, or blogging, please contact me at recesvintus(at)yahoo.es via 500px http://j.mp/1yOOTwp

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