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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Starstreak by JonathanDanker

After the initial experiment was done with Sleeper. Just two days apart, I went for another grueling overnight stay to shoot the stars in the cityscape.. The sky was clearer and there was less people everywhere. I also managed to shoot a longer time frame of 1 hour 50 mins to get longer stars! Camera Info: Canon 5d Mk 3 | Samyang 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC | ISO 400 | 1 sec | f 8.0 | focal length 14mm (2 tile, 6 exposure vertorama HDR 110 image star stack at iso 100,60 secs, f8.0) -- © Jonathan Danker My images are posted here for your enjoyment only. All rights are reserved. Please contact me @ jonathan@anselmedia.com if you are interested in using one of my images for any reason. As an initiative to make my works more exposed and for you, the viewer to have a more easier experience, I have created a facebook page for my photography. Please visit, like it and comment and I hope to see you there! http://j.mp/1irpgbS Thanks for the support and encouragement! via 500px http://j.mp/1mfV7tT

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