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Monday, April 21, 2014

Cathedral Christ Savior night by lyutik966

Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Temple is a collective cenotaph Russian Imperial Army soldiers killed in the war with Napoleon - on the temple walls are inscribed the names of the officers who died in the War of 1812 and foreign campaigns 1797-1806 and 1814-1815 . The original temple was built in memory of the Napoleonic invasion by architect KA Ton. Construction lasted nearly 44 of the year: the temple was laid Sept. 23, 1839 , consecrated - May 26, 1883 . The building was destroyed in the midst of Stalin's reconstruction of December 5, 1931 . Rebuilt not far from the former place in 1994-1997. Temple, at the time of the completion of the largest in Russia, designed for 10 000 people. In terms of the temple looks like an equilateral cross about 85 m wide. Height of the temple with a dome and a cross now stands at 103 meters is erected in the tradition of Russian-Byzantine style. Painting inside the church takes about 22 000m ², of which about 9000 m ² gilded. via 500px http://j.mp/1msygic

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