*Please enjoy behind black background* The Bridge leads a dazzling dance of elegance, along with the fog, on a serene evening, as the entire audience watch in pure awe. via 500px http://j.mp/19CuukA
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The great Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque with a tilt shift lens via 500px http://j.mp/1Ox1V5y
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a 5 shot panoramic of the inside of St. Clare of Assisi church in Woodbridge, Ontario www.JohnVelocci.com via 500px http://j.mp/1uWbgyN
The traffic stopped while the bridge is busy. But no ship came through Towerbridge. via 500px http://j.mp/1vNvyqg
From the series "Manhattan by the bird", by Regis Boileau Golden Camera 2013 for best professional photographer in architecture Pr...
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a 5 shot panoramic of the inside of St. Clare of Assisi church in Woodbridge, Ontario www.JohnVelocci.com via 500px http://j.mp/1uWbgyN
From the series "Manhattan by the bird", by Regis Boileau Golden Camera 2013 for best professional photographer in architecture Pr...
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Shoreline / Skyline / Sunset by robmintzes
Lovely and peaceful early spring sunset over Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. via 500px http://j.mp/1Dra4Hp
Dome of Faith by rogeriocluis
Initially conceived as a small convent for 13 monks, the project for the Real Convento de Mafra was suffering successive enlargements, ending in a huge building of about 40,000 m2, with all dependencies and necessary belongings to everyday life of 300 Friars of the Order of St. Francis. Its dome, called, the Lantern Tower with 65 meters high and 13 feet in diameter, was the first dome built in Portugal. via 500px http://j.mp/1bPiFsL
Goldenness ! by santoshdash1
I was in SFO for just a day and after a busy day walking around the touristy spots, I reached Presidio to find the bridge covered with fog and with the rain clouds, the lighting was flat. The sky opened up for 15-20 mins after an hour long wait. This was taken in with 2 stop B&W ND filter and a 0.9 GND. Thank you for stopping by. Please follow me on Instagram, Facebook, 500px, Flickr via 500px http://j.mp/1Il4cid
Dramatic Evening by PetrKubat
Ceske Budejovice, South Bohemia, Czech Republic. via 500px http://j.mp/1Il4ci2
Sagrada Familia - Special by igordanajlovskiphotography
Here we go with my next shot from Barcelona. My intention was not to simply replicate what everybody sees, but I wanted to reveal the uncommon. If you like this image, you may tell me your opinion. I am curious to hear your voice. via 500px http://j.mp/1bPcRPK
Light Trails from Manhattan Bridge, New York City, America by JoeDanielPrice
Light Trails from Manhattan Bridge, New York City, America via 500px http://j.mp/1Il4c1J
Grey London by Mark_Wycherley
The Shard, The Thames, and London Bridge. Grey cones and cubes. 4mins exposure. via 500px http://j.mp/1xVq1oE
Enlightenment? by yamam_alzubaidi
This photo was taken from a balcony belonging to gym in a 5 stars hotel. I went there daytime and was told that it was ok to come back after the sunset to take mote photos. To be honest, I told personnel at the gym that I was checking in and didn’t have a room number yet and was just checking out the gym. I came back a day later after the sunset and was informed that I am not allowed to use the tripod unless I live at the hotel. After a long discussion I was allowed one photo. Only with my mobile phone. Pretending not to understand the mobile phone part I took my camera and managed o take three photos. The personnel was standing right behind be – stressing me and not allowing me to think. So only when I took the third photo (this one) I managed to increase the ISO. Not optimal. He was polite but reassuring. Still… At the same time there was another guy at the balcony shooting with his tripod. And a 5o mm lens. He was a customer. I was told it was ”as issue of confidentiality”. The hotel obviously believes that they own the view. So who owns the earth? PS. Credit for Daniel Cheong for his stunning shot from this location. via 500px http://j.mp/19GVQpk
ON FirE !!! # by GuillaumeRio
Turkish, Istanbul, Religion, muslim, New Mosque, the Valide Sultan Mosque , architecture, wide angle, roof, Facebook Page www.vertigooo.com via 500px http://j.mp/1xUYELc
Dreamy look...Dream Garden... by afzalkhan1981
Night view of 'Garden of Dreams', Kathmandu, Nepal Press 'M' for better view. http://j.mp/1MvGm9H via 500px http://j.mp/1MvGmGI
Spring in Tokyo by J_K_Kim
Tokyo, Japan Retouching and reupload ;) Spring has come ! via 500px http://j.mp/1F0mYZi
Downtown New York City by nyit101
Great view of downtown from Manhattan Bridge. Amazing Views! via 500px http://j.mp/1xwP3K8
empire state of mind by James3177
I took that during my photograph vacation in New York last week. Best city in the world!!! via 500px http://j.mp/1CueH1k
Gelsenkirchen by BartEbisch
Dark clouds, rain and sunshine above a factory in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. via 500px http://j.mp/1F0efGv
Absolute purple by Tramont_ana
Sunset in Santorini. Color phantasy: the purple of the sun and the black of the lava, via 500px http://j.mp/1CJA8ws
Catedral San Antonio Oberá by LucasGeryng
Catedral San Antonio Oberá If you like my work, You can follow me, and feel free to comment. Negative or positive are always welcome. Press "M" for large view. via 500px http://j.mp/1NFIQ2p
New York view from the Top of the Rock by joscarati
New York view from the TOR. NYC is a magical city. via 500px http://j.mp/1yxd5jw
Rainbow of Lights by pauloqfernandes
Hong Kong Island view from Kowloon. via 500px http://j.mp/1xUz5Kc
The Beehive by yeungshingfuk
Hong Kong is the world's most densely populated place and it is my home. The rent is eye-wateringly high, and the space frustratingly small. It has on average 130,000 people squeezed inside. One square kilometer equivalent to putting about 900 people inside the football pitch. Residents complain of air, noise and light pollution and the overstretched transport network. Although the overcrowding and noise pollution issues, I like Hong Kong. Hong Kong is very efficient. And it is more energy-efficient compared to other cities because we are so compact. So many people are living very closely together sharing public facilities. You can find many shops here that you can't find anywhere else. When you look up at all the skyscrapers and high rise buildings, you might think that most people have a view of the neighbour’s wall or possibly their sitting room but actually a lot of people have views. Whether it’s the million dollar view of the harbour, or a cityscape of twinkling lights at night, the views from buildings in Hong Kong are often amazing. Press L if you like it. Thanks. My portfolio: http://j.mp/1yxd7rF via 500px http://j.mp/1xUz5tO
☆ßRøØkL¥N☆ by anthonyjayfields
Click Here From this angle it gives the bridge a whole different perspective we'll i think so, This happen to be at low tide while the sun was setting had to jump down over the rail why trying not to be seen by the coast guard....... all this hassle 4 the love of photography... lol ... via 500px http://j.mp/1CJp7vn
Under The Fortress (Downtown 2) by tosicbojan
Zvornik fortress is a medieval castle located in Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the mountain Mlađevac overlooking the Drina Valley. Zvornik fortress is situated at an altitude of 147 m. It was probably built in the 12th or 13th century and is one of the largest medieval fortresses in Bosnia and Herzegovina. via 500px http://j.mp/1C3IdHq
15 by swhite
One of the many beautiful old doors in St. Augustine, Florida. via 500px http://j.mp/1OTDJxj
Monday, March 30, 2015
Millennium Bridge to St Paul's Cathedral, London, England by JoeDanielPrice
Millennium Bridge to St Paul's Cathedral, London, England via 500px http://j.mp/1CrDkvx
Downtown of Chicago by Gokhan Arik by GokhanArik
Downtown of Chicago from John Hancock Center by Gokhan Arik via 500px http://j.mp/1yuSpIR
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